Classically Connected, Inc.
Fine Instrument Cultural and Educational Center™
CCI FICEC™ is dedicated to the conservation, preservation, exhibition, and use
of the world’s finest stringed instruments.

Instrument Lending Program
Over the years we have connected numerous fine instruments with gifted musicians, allowing the artists to more fully express their gifts and touch lives around the world. We also find worthy homes for instruments, lending them to performance venues and museums so the pieces played on them may be enjoyed by countless appreciative visitors.
Such instruments include the 1734 Lam ex-Scotland University Stradivarius, a 1757 J.B. Guadagnini violin, Francois Tourte and Etienne Pajeot violin bows, and a Steinway concert grand piano, among other antique and contemporary instruments.
Instrument lending is part of our legacy and a crucial part of our future. We seek to expand our reach, developing relationships with ever more collectors and owners so we may continuously meet artists’ needs and share the instruments’ legacies.
Sau-Wing Lam Memorial Violin Scholarship Fund
The Sau-Wing Lam Memorial Violin Scholarship Fund was established in 1988 in honor of Mr. Lam, one of CCI’s original founders who served as Honorary Chairman and principal benefactor until his passing.
Originally established to provide lessons and performance opportunities for promising young violinists, the Fund currently supports CCI’s efforts to acquire performance-quality stringed instruments for use by deserving artists in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
Contribute to the Fund here.